Shreeram Vaidhyanathan
Site Reliability Engineer, Performance Consultant & Machine Learning Enthusiast


  • Proficient in Site Reliability Engineering, Chaos Engineering, Performance Engineering, and leading innovative projects.
  • Skilled in capacity planning, code optimization, and real-time monitoring.
  • Knowledgeable in creating DevOps tools for containerization, orchestration, CICD pipeline, and health check visualization.
  • Experienced in identifying performance issues such as load balancing, memory leaks, JVM tuning, and thread optimization.
  • Proficient in web crawling, scraping, and data storage for creating APIs.
  • Demonstrates a keen interest in developing scalable decentralized applications.


Anti-Phishing with Genetic Algorithm, 2011

IEEE INSPEC # - 1174536
  • An approach for phishing detection of hyperlinks using the rule based system formed by genetic algorithm. This can be utilized as enterprise solution for preventing from any phishing attacks.


  • Languages: Python, Javascript, Shell Script, Powershell
  • Operating Systems: Windows Server, Kali Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS
  • Technologies: Reliability / Chaos / Performance - Engineering, DevOps
  • Monitoring: Appdynamics, DynaTrace
  • DevOps tools: Git, Jenkins, Travis CI, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes
  • Web UI Profiling: Yslow, Firebug, Fiddler, Wireshark

Open Projects

Prebinder - Workflow engine for runnable docs | Jun 2019

  • Workflow engine that automatically generates runnable docs
  • Using GH commits, Prebinder generates interactive documentation
  • Ideal for learners who want to study the documents with hands-on.
  • Prebinder, created for 2019 PandasHack, won the hackathon.

NBScraper - Scraper for Nobroker | Sep 2022

  • Designed to extract important information about rental properties
  • Potential tenants can obtain reliable information through property management, market trends, property prices, and availability.
  • Helpful in providing insights about rental property characteristics, location preferences, and other relevant factors.

Jmeter Plugin for Slack Integration | July 2018

  • Publish the reports, documents, or status updates to Slack during load tests with Jmeter
  • Enhances the interactivity of JMeter server, allowing users to engage with JMeter scripts similar to interacting with bots.
  • Refer to the Maven repo for jar download.

Executor Service for OPAAS | May 2018

  • Application that enables external access through a specific port, serving as a service recipient
  • Internal project aimed at providing an Operating System as a Service (OPAAS) / Function as a service (FAAS)
  • This is available in maven repo for pluggable usage

Gender Classification and Age estimation | June 2017

  • Developed a Python wrapper for an OpenCV engine that identifies the gender and age of a person by recognizing their facial features.
  • Algorithm can be integrated with any deep learning model to provide product suggestions.

Sentiment Analyzer for Trend Analysis | March 2017

  • mplemented NLP to analyze Twitter feeds and integrated the system with graylog for analyzing past datasets.
  • Planning to incorporate machine learning in the backend to predict future trends.

Life-Span Calculator | March 2016

  • Created an engine that calculates the life span of an individual based on a set of features.
  • Can access real-time data from activity trackers to provide an estimate of survival duration.

Budget Buyers | Nov 2014

  • Designed the backend system for finding inexpensive products.
  • The algorithm considers cost-effective ways to deliver products to your home and also fetches similar products within a specified radius of your search location.


SASTRA University, B.Tech. Computer Science

  • Compiler Designs
  • Computer Organization
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Microprocessor

Bellevue University, B.S. Cyber Security (Hons)

  • Advanced Cyber Security
  • Penetration Testing
  • Networking
  • Digital Forensics


  • Hack-a-thons
  • Natural / Candid Photography
  • Playing / listening to Violin
  • Contribution to open community